Surrey Life Magazine - July 2017 - Front Cover
A Picnic in Surrey
To highlight the June feature entitled "50 Fab Summer Days Out" and " Guildford Fringe Festival" the editor of Surrey Life Magazine asked me to produce a front cover photo which epitomised the beauty of Surrey!
The Devils Punchbowl is on my doorstep so with the help of glamourous models aka neighbours, English sparkling wine, a quintessential picnic hamper, my camera & equipment and a quick off-road trip, in not 1 but 2 Land Rovers, we waited for a clear sunny weekend in Surrey!
I'm very happy with the result. Hope you enjoy the view!
Mobile: 07584 907621
© 2022
Ownership & copyright:
This website and its contents are owned by Philip Traill. This web site, including www.philiptraill.co.uk and www.traillphotography.co.uk (and others), it's content including each and every photograph are protected by copyright, trade mark law and other related intellectual property rights. The website and individual photographs are also protected by moral rights. The photographer will assert his moral rights to be identified as the author wherever and whenever the photographs are copied or distributed by any means.
No part of the website and photograph's may be copied or distributed by any means without the explicit written permission of the photographer, Philip Traill. Contact details are above - philip@traillphotography.com